Saturday, September 24, 2011

Talk with Chamupa Godage - Miss Popular of Miss Sri Lanka 2011

hamupa Godage who had been away from Sri Lanka engaged in higher studies in Singapore, took part in the Miss Sri Lanka 2011 contest during one of her brief vacations.

What place did you win in the contest?
I was placed third and in addition won the Miss Popular mini title. 

Was it an accidental decision?

It was one of my dreams anyway. But this time I came on time.

Why do you think you missed the title?

Perhaps my unprepared position. But next time I will go fully prepared.

What kind of preparations do you mean?

Costumes, presentation, figure and training.

Are you satisfied with your looks?

Of course.

You took up modeling in Singapore too?

Yes on a part time basis.

But the latest achievement will help you engage more in modeling?

Yes, I think so.

In Singapore or Sri Lanka?

In Singapore I engage in modeling while studying, but in Sri Lanka I can focus fully on it. Though I have got more good offers in Singapore I also want to do well in my studies.

If modeling becomes your chosen career?

No, my intention is to seek a career in accountancy after my PHD.

Your father is a photographer. Is it an advantage for you?

I posed for my father's calendar as a child of two and a half years. My father was also an art director in films. That exposure helped me to understand photographic tips.

The males you come across in this profession?

I have no major bad experiences, but I know there are the good and the bad types. I will try to do what I feel is right.

Those who say so later fall prey to traps?

That's because they go after money and popularity. I have both, so it does not affect me.

What do you think of models who exploit titles like Miss Sri Lanka?

That's wrong. We must be aware of our country and its culture. We must earn money while retaining the dignity of our country.

There are reservations about the results of pageants now?

That maybe true, but I did not see such a thing  in this competition.

When you become popular it's the trend to marry a popular personality. Will it apply to you too?

I don't know about my popularity status, but I hope to marry a good person.

If you get a good person who has no money?

No  problem, because I have money.

But will a man like to depend on a woman?
True, but if my money can fill that vacuum I don't see a problem. I only need a down to earth, understanding guy.

Text                      : Ramesh Uvais

Hair & Makeup   : Shalini Siriwardana
Photos                 : Mettasena


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